Wednesday 3 October 2012

Cleaning The Mess!!

After the roasting process is completed, it is time to put the beans in a winnower. This machine gets rid of the shells, leaving only the "nibs" of the bean. This is the best part of the cocoa bean, which is then ground into a rich and thick paste. This chocolate werbeartikel streuartikel liquor (which contains no alcohol) is the building block of all chocolate products.


Once the liquor is produced, it is time to press it. The pressing removes the cocoa butter, and leaves behind a powdery disc, called a "cocoa presscake." From there the process is different depending on what type of chocolate you are producing. In some cases, you re-add cocoa butter. In others, you add it to the conching machine to knead and massage the chocolate. From there it is tempered and wrapped into the candy bars you know and love!

Exciting New Varieties

Of course, there are all different delicious varieties of candy and candy bars. For one, the Tiramisu Bar is a delight that uses only the very finest chocolate all the way from Belgium. This exciting bar is made from the finest cocoa beans, and is an incredible imitation of an exotic dessert.

What Choclate Contains!!

If you are a coffee enthusiast, then you probably know that chocolate actually contains trace amounts of caffeine. This makes sense when you think about it, because like coffee it is also derived from a bean. The delicious Espresso Bar is made from delicious Belgian chocolate that is combined with a little dash of energy-filled espresso. This candy bar truly combines the best of both worlds.

Sure They Are!!

These are just two of the amazing, incredible varieties of chocolate bars that come in all different shapes and sizes. It is incredible to think that all of these delightful pieces of candy are produced from just one modest little cocoa bean! So the next time you are going to pick up a candy bar at the supermarket check-out, remember all the incredible work it took werbeartikel streuartikel to get it there.